Hong Kong (HKSAR) – The Department of Health (DH) today (March 4) ordered a licensed drug company, GlaxoSmithKline Ltd. (GSK), to recall from the market 144 units of three of its vaccines because of suspected quality defect.
The products to be recalled are 115 units of Fluarix vaccine (Registration No.: HK-43003; Batch No.: AFLUA510AB) from eight private practitioners and two units from Hong Kong Baptist Hospital (HKBH); 20 units of Infanrix-IPV/Hib vaccine (Registration No.: HK-47367; Batch No. A20CA598A) from Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital Ltd (HKSH); and two units of Synflorix vaccine (Registration No.: HK-58098; Batch No.
ASPNA023DC ) from DH’s Anne Black Maternal and Child Health Centre (MCHC) and five units from Ap Lei Chau MCHC.
GSK reported to DH today that earlier on this January, a total of 260 units of the above three products were collected from a private practitioner via its distributor, Zuellig Pharma Ltd, a licensed wholesaler, because of possible breakage in the cold chain while the items were in his custody.The vaccines were being quarantined in Zuellig’s store, pending assessment by GSK before disposal.However, they were mistakenly released in February because of staff oversight.
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