Potential cross reactivity Cross Reactivity… J Exp Ther Oncol. 2011;9(2):159-65. Kanduc D. Author information Abstract In exploring the primary sequence of the human papilloma virus (HPV) 16 major capsid L1 protein for peptide sharing with human proteins, we find that 34 pentamers from the viral capsid protein are shared with human proteins that, when altered, have […]
Death after Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: Causal or Coincidental?
Lucija Tomljenovic1* and Christopher A Shaw1,2,3 1Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada 2Program in Experimental Medicine, University of British Columbia, Canada 3Program in Neuroscience, University of British Columbia, Canada Abstract: Background: The proper understanding of a true risk from vaccines is crucial for avoiding unnecessary adverse reactions (ADRs). However, to […]