By Christina England
Over recent weeks the UK newspapers have been full of articles exploring the subject of food allergies and intolerances. Daily Mail’s Fiona MacRae reported that food intolerances may be all in the mind. She says that many people who claim to be intolerant to the milk sugar lactose, are more likely to be stressed, anxious or depressed than intolerant. MacRae continued by adding that as many as 10 million British adults claim to be unable to eat foods ranging from milk to mustard, however, in reality only a mere 2% actually have a problem. She reported that researchers were saying that parents were acting too quickly in deciding that their children had allergies or intolerances when in fact many were perfectly healthy. She wrote:
Whilst the UK newspapers played down the subject of food allergies, blaming anything from faddy eating to mental illness and stating that the incidence of true allergies were actually very low, I found many professionals are saying food allergies in children are on the increase. They are attributing this to the amount of vaccinations being added to the childhood vaccine schedule. Is this why the UK media have come out in force to play this escalating problem down? I decided to find out.
Heather Fraser, MA, BA, B.Ed who wrote the paper, ‘The Man-Made Peanut Allergy Epidemic, A revealing history of a medical mystery’ is one of them and strongly believes that vaccines not only cause peanut allergies but other food allergies as well.
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