Sami, an honor student prior to her experience with Gardasil, loves living in Florida where she can take advantage of everything the Sunshine state has to offer. Theme parks were frequently the highlight of her weekends. She loved to go to Sea World, Universal Studios, Islands of Adventures and Bush Gardens where she could ride all the attractions over and over again with her mother. Now, that is no longer an option.
Sami had multiple health problems prior to receiving Gardasil including, type II diabetes, multiple allergies, Blount’s disease and polycystic ovary syndrome. Nevertheless, she lead an active, normal life. All of that changed when she was 14 and received her first shot of Gardasil along with a flu vaccine. Within hours, she was vomiting, feverish and had terrible headaches. She was bedridden for three weeks. When the doctor was questioned about the symptoms, Mom was told, “She must have received a bad flu shot.” Sami continued on with the Gardasil series.
Her list of adverse reactions continued to grow. Sami experienced amenorrhea (no periods since her first shot (over 2 years ago),
peripheral neuropathy in both feet, loss of peripheral vision in her left eye, complicated migraines with neurological auras, severe sleep apnea and paralysis of both legs. At one point, a teacher at her school (also an EMT) found her unconscious, with no pulse, and revived her.
Sami has been taken to multiple medical specialists since taking the Gardasil vaccine. MS, neurological defects, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and brain tumor have all been ruled out as possible causes of her symptoms.
Every day, Samantha’s mother wonders if her child will survive to see another dawn. She wonders how a person prepares themself when they feel their child is dying. She wonders if it is even possible to prepare. Her message to parents who are considering the HPV vaccine for their children: “Guard your children against Gardasil.”
Written by Norma Erickson, Vaccines Examiner
I am a naturopath in Las Vegas. I have been seeing more and more of the Gardisil impact in my practice in Las Vegas. I am working with a natural approach that seems to be helping the immune system recover. I cannot promise anything, but since it is safe and cannot cause any more harm and I am seeing results, I highly recommend you give something like what I am doing a try. I use homeopathy to help negate the impact on the DNA and immune system, while working to remove the toxic chemicals from the body. This also utilizes homeopathy and some targeted nutrients to help capture and remove the metals and toxins introduced by the vaccine as well as from our exposures to other toxins in everyday life.
Please contact me for more info if you are interested.
We have since found out that Samantha has over 40 food allergies and is also histamine intolerant. Her body does not react to fillers in supplements, pharmaceuticals, OTC meds etc. I would be interested in what you have to say. She still has had no period we are in our fouth year of guard a hell.
I meant to say her body does react to the meds. etc, ‘She goes into shock which explains the episodes of paraplegia and horrible migraines.
I am amazed that after Sami’s first reaction to Gardasil, that she was
allowed to continue w/the 3-shot series. Unbelievable! That constitutes
gross negligence and her doctor should have said ‘no more’ as well as
her family. W/675 mcgs of reactive aluminum along w/polysorbate 80
(reproductive sterilization chemical) and other neuro-toxic and carcinogenic
chemicals, it’s a vaccine that should be taken off the market. Merck is calling
the $hots here and even after repeated requests to remove this vaccine, they
refuse to. It’s up to the FDA to do so, but w/Michael Taylor, former Monsanto
lobbyist at the helm, fat chance.
We did not link the illness and the problems together until her arm became paralyzed after her third vaccine. I thought I was protecting her. She still is not better. Gardasil and her Doctor destroyed her life.
Karen, PLEASE go to this website: Get your daughter on a therapeutic doseage of this wonderful, miraculous product called ASEA if you want to see her made WHOLE! I’m talking completely healed and healthy! This product is backed by almost 17 years of solid scientific research. Check out the videos and all of the testimonials on there. Then, feel free to email me: to find out how to acquire ASEA. Thanks and God bless you.
PS….go to: and check out all of the well documented information on there having to do with WHY your daughter has been victimized by “Big Pharma” (the pharmaceutical industry). This kind of criminal activity (and that’s what it is) is being done by design! It’s called EUGENICS. Get a copy of Alex Jones’ excellent documentary called “END GAME: BLUEPRINT FOR GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT”. It thoroughly explaiins WHAT eugenics is and WHY it is happening. Also, I would highly recommend that you get a copy of “The Greater Good” through Alex Jones’ site. It’s the best documentary dealing with the scourge of vaccines.. (Click on “Shop” and you will be able to get both). Lastly, you can go on the internet (on YouTube) and watch “In Lies We Trust” by Dr. Len Horowitz that is probably the best documentary to date on eugenics. Some of the most evil people in the history of mankind are running things and they want us ALL dead! It’s called “the great culling” where they have MASS EXTERMINATION planned for almost the entire world population! This is not “conspiracy theorism”. It’s reality! What’s happened to your daughter and millions of others is proof of that! These people are so evil that they LOVE seeing people like your daughter suffer, and they LAUGH when they die! All the way to the bank as the greedy, devil possessed fools that they are! Please, for your daughter’s and your sake, take what I’m saying here seriously! I will pray for you. God bles you and Samantha. .
Since her body reacts to many things and the food allergies. Possibly look into Young Living Essential Oils and the use of the Zyto Scan. Would love to chat with you on this. We have used many of the products to help eliminate the problems of food allergies, and many other issues. Here is my website that talks about the Zyto Scan and Essential Oils. Plus it also talks a little bit about our story and the oils as well. More about the company can be found at
I have come in contact with many Young ladies that are having this problem with the shot as well. Praying for you to find some relief.
Sami, and Family, so sorry for you tragedy. Over the last year I have become anti-vaccine and not so much my wife. My daughter just turned 11 and at her last checkup our pediatrician spoke of Gardasil. You would think this horrific stories would be enough for her, but she insist she needs to speak with a family that has had a injury from vaccines. Hoping and praying for some help. Thank you.
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
On October 1, 1988, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The VICP was established to ensure an adequate supply of vaccines, stabilize vaccine costs, and establish and maintain an accessible and efficient forum for individuals found to be injured by certain vaccines. The VICP is a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system for resolving vaccine injury claims that provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines. The U. S. Court of Federal Claims decides who will be paid. Three Federal government offices have a role in the VICP:
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS);
the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ); and
the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (the Court).
The VICP is located in the HHS, Health Resources and Services Administration, Healthcare Systems Bureau, Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation.
Authorizing Legislation (PDF- 497 KB)
Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund