PRLog (Press Release) – Aug 15, 2011 – SANE Vax Inc. was incorporated in August of 2010, to raise awareness of the science and research behind growing concerns regarding vaccine safety and efficacy. One year later – the SANE Vax message and the research we have compiled has gone global and shared with educators, medical and legal professionals, researchers, journalists and medical consumers world-wide.
To date visitors from 110 countries have visited the web site. Map below can be found on the new SANE Vax site under ‘Who’s Online.’ Perhaps pharmaceutical companies, governments and pro-vaccine ‘cults’ will finally begin to understand that vaccine safety and efficacy is a global issue.
SANE Vax Inc. founders, Norma Erickson, President, Rosemary D. Mathis, Vice President of Victim Services, Leslie Carol Botha, Vice-President of Public Relations, Janny Stokvis, Vice President of Research, Freda Birrell, Secretary, and Linda Thompson, Treasurer, would like to express our sincere gratitude to the multitudes of vaccine safety advocates and medical professionals who have provided research and assistance in furthering our endeavors. SANE Vax now has developed a strong network of dedicated professionals, medical consumers and media contacts who understand that the vaccine industry may pose more health risks than the benefits they have promoted for the past 40 years.
The SaneVax Team would also like to thank our colleague, and natural cycle researcher, David Katzmire –
Rosemary Mathis believes the site has helped vaccine damaged children and their families find research necessary to back up their claims of injury for physicians, attorneys and other professional advocates. Many families of Gardasil victims have found the site and contacted Mathis looking for information to assist them while on the terrifying journey to help their loved ones recover.
Prior to the organization’s formation, the SANE Vax team had lengthy discussions about the name and mission statement ‘to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information.’ In the end we decided this was the most appropriate message to reach medical consumers and professionals who are just starting to question vaccine safety and efficacy. Approximately 10,000 people visit the Sane Vax site monthly.
Norma Erickson states, “Our message is quite simple. If it is not Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective, medical consumers do not need it. Now is the time for scientific proof of manufacturers’
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Alex Jones speaks out for our precious children who have been injured by Gardsail.
Where are the parents while these 12 year old are having sex? I’m 65 and I did not have sex 24/7 when I was 12. The idea of sex was scary though the “boys” thought about it 24/7. Where are the parents?
Gov. Jerry Brown, Gov. Rick “Caboy’ Perry, where are the parents, where is the morality? Sex is not a video game.
Parenting is not a judicial process, our health is our responsibility, the health of our children should not be collateral carnage so the drug companies can buy the newest corporate jets. Having your daughter die just so Johnny does not get a wart on his parts.
Where are the parents?
After we find the parents, consider this, the only enemy of a virus is intracellular oxygen, same deal with cancer.
Organic Sulfur a crystal food could be a much more effective method of avoiding all viruses and all cancer. WE are what we eat, and our over sexed kids are sulfur deficient as are all save for those in the Cellular Matrix Study whose average is 77 and they are allowed and do have sex 24/7 with no HPV or any other viruses reported externally or internally.
We are what we eat, not whom.
Got Sulfur