By Norma Erickson, President
Vaccine-related deaths are considered such a rare event medical personnel/coroners receive no training to help them recognize telltale signs/symptoms, leaving survivors forever questioning the unexplained death of their child. This is not acceptable.
The SaneVax Team is pleased to announce the pending publication of A Parents’ Guide: What to do if your child dies after vaccination, on August 22, 2012 via and The guide was created by consumer health researcher and author, Catherine J. Frompovich, and President of SaneVax Inc., Norma Erickson in response to multiple inquiries from parents, medical professionals and attorneys who were looking for a means to establish a causal relationship between vaccines and serious adverse outcomes.
The authors prepared this guide in cooperation with multiple medical and scientific experts to provide a means to determine whether or not the death of a previously healthy child could be linked to the administration of vaccines. It has been vetted by medical professionals for accuracy and omissions based on current medical/scientific knowledge and will be updated as needed.
This comprehensive guide to recommended autopsy tests was created because no one is trained to recognize the signs of vaccine injury. Consequently, survivors are frequently left with a coroner’s verdict of ‘unexplained death.’ Even worse, some parents are unjustly accused of shaken-baby syndrome, charged with child abuse/neglect and sometimes imprisoned for a death without known cause.
The standard practice of leaving grieving parents with no answers, or worse, is simply not acceptable.
Consider the following:
The VAERS database was established in 1990 to monitor the rate of adverse events occurring post-vaccination. Since that date an average of 217 deaths per year have been reported, or one every 40 hours. The CDC estimates only 1-10% of adverse events are reported.
- At 10% reporting, a death after vaccination occurs every 4 hours for an average of 2,170 per year
- At 1% reporting, a death after vaccination occurs every 24 minutes for an average of 21,700 per year
These startling figures alone demonstrate a dire need for such a guide. One has to wonder why ‘public servants’ employed at the CDC, National Institutes of Health and/or the FDA have not already provided such a guide to medical professionals, pathologists and coroners.
This apparent omission is not in the best interest of medical consumers. These agencies have an obligation to protect and serve the medical consumers who pay their salaries.
Parents facing the tragic death of a previously healthy child should never be left with more questions than answers; nor should they be falsely accused of contributing to the death of their child.
This educational guide should provide at least one way to solve such problems. The Parents’ Guide: What to do if your child dies after vaccination will be distributed worldwide at no charge as a public service to the survivors of death after vaccination.
I’m confused. If there have been 217 deaths over the last 22 years, that is about 1 every 37 days, not one every 40 hours.
That is an average of 217 deaths per year – not a total of 217.
First time to this website,
We lost a grandson about 8years ago. He was a twin. Within 15 minutes of birth the nurse asked the boys father if she could give the boys their Hep B vaccination. Well he didn’t know anything about it. Mom was being stitched up from the caesarian birth. She didn’t think they would do anything like that without asking her first. Because she would have said no!
So then again at one month they were given another hep B.
I was angry about it! Where was the informed consent? To me informed consent includes going over the risks.
One month to the day of the last vaccine little Logan died in his sleep. My daughter discovered him when she woke up to feed them in the middle of the night. She tried CPR, to no avail. EMT ‘s tried also.
Well the Coroner’s office here in Oklahoma was in the midst of chaos. We never heard from the Coroner’s office until 6 month’s later!!!! How outrageous is that? Of course they claimed SIDS.
I made a report to VARS. I never heard from anyone. Of course we didn’t know what to do at the time. We felt like we had no options. I wouldn’t wish this on any family. It is a horrible nightmare.
them. She was stripped of her medical license and they took her son away from her . Anyways she said she suspects that our little Logan died of renal failure and said we wouldn’t have noticed because he was so small. I remember he seemed to have tripled his birth in just 8 weeks. Something I thought was strange.
I know now that this is all speculation. I just hope that more people speak out.
I have gone on to tell young Mom’s to be to really do their homework before they put their precious baby under a needle.
Thanks for your time! I hope this helps someone.