Norma Erickson, President of SaneVax Inc. As a private citizen, I sent letters expressing my concerns in regard to HPV vaccines to all of the Senators and Congressmen from my state of residence. The following letter is one I received in response to my concerns:
June 15, 2011
Dear Norma:
Thank you for contacting me about the vaccine Gardasil. I appreciate hearing from you on this matter.
I recognize your concerns over the safety of Gardasil. You bring up many valuable points in your letter, and it demonstrates a deep level of commitment to this issue. I am taking your comments into careful consideration. As one of my constituents, your input is important to me. I’m listening to what you’re saying, and you can rest assured I will keep your thoughts firmly in mind.
Thanks again for getting in touch. Please contact me with any additional comments or concerns. Also, please visit my website at for more information on current issues and to find out what I’m doing both here in Washington and at home to help Montana.
Max Baucus
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