By Steve Boren
May 6, 2009
Which country do you think does a better job of protecting its citizens from dangerous pharmaceuticals: Singapore or the United States? Here’s a hint: it’s not the one you think. Not in my opinion, anyway.
The FDA is perfectly happy to allow girls as young as nine get the utterly useless – not to mention potentially deadly – Gardasil vaccine against cervical cancer. But the government of Singapore has declared that the effects of this vaccine require more study before they’ll allow it to be part of a mandatory vaccination program.
Balaji Sadasivan, Singapore’s senior minister of state for foreign affairs, said his government “should be more circumspect” about the vaccine, adding that it was unknown if it “will confer long-term immunity.”
Sadasvian said that a nationwide vaccination program would send the message condoning teen and underage sex. Hmm… who have you heard that from before?
This is quite a departure from America and European countries like Sweden and Spain that have bought the Gardasil hook, line, and proverbial sinker. Singapore seems to have ample amounts of something that we in the west have lost: common sense.
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