Neurological problems due to nerve damage after vaccination is a fairly common adverse event with flu vaccines. In 1976, there were more cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome reported after vaccination than there were confirmed cases of Swine flu.
PRLog (Press Release) – Feb 07, 2011 – Every vaccine on the market is associated with certain risks. Flu vaccines are no exception. As government agencies and medical authorities around the world urge entire populations to protect themselves from the latest strains of flu, little is said about the potential risks associated with this year’s miracle cures.
The 1976 swine flu vaccination campaign was abruptly halted when 500 cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) were diagnosed after vaccination. GBS is a rare, life threatening disease in which the body’s immune system attacks peripheral nerves (those outside the brain and spinal cord) destroying the myelin sheath surrounding them. This destruction leads to a multitude of possible symptoms, usually beginning with weakness or tingling in the legs. The unusual sensations increase in intensity until the muscles can no longer be used. Symptoms progress rapidly toward the upper body, sometimes resulting in total paralysis and death.
Guillain-Barré Syndrome is considered to be a severe enough threat that prior to the 2009 flu season, the Health Protection Agency in the United Kingdom sent a warning letter to 600 neurologists throughout the country telling them to watch for GBS symptoms because it could be triggered by the swine flu vaccine. This letter sparked a huge protest when leaked to the public because the Health Protection Agency did nothing to warn the millions of potential recipients of the vaccine prior to their National Flu Vaccination Campaign. (See verification here: …)
On 1 February 2011, The Washington Post published, “Finland: link between swine flu shot, narcolepsy.”
It seems medical consumers are left with a serious question. Is it better to take your chances with the flu, or take your chances with a flu vaccine?
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