Results of a Chinese study showed that the HPV vaccine did not have significant effects on the number of disease flares or antibody measures in patients with inactive SLE receiving stable doses of medications after administration, and therefore was determined safe to use to prevent HPV in this group of patients. SLE, an autoimmune disorder, affects nine times as many women as men1 and studies have shown that the rate of HPV in this group is significantly higher than in the healthy population.2 Vaccination is therefore an important consideration in protecting SLE patients from HPV infection, which has been shown to be responsible for cervical cancer.
[Note from SaneVax: We would like the author to show a link to the study, and some indication of who sponsored it. Anyone with a compromised immune system should have a serious conversation with their medical professional prior to consenting to any vaccination, particularly HPV vaccines. All vaccines carry some risk for some people – you need to fully understand what those potential risks are before you decide if vaccination is right for you.]
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