[SaneVax: Once again, the safe and effective mantra of the vaccine industry seems to be in doubt. Recent information out of Canada indicates those who took the pandemic swine flu vaccine faced double the risk of of developing Guillian-Barre Syndrome, a rare and debilitating nerve disorder.]
Swine flu vaccine linked to increased risk of rare nerve disorder
By Sharon Kirkey, Post Media News

The 2009 human “swine flu ” vaccine given to millions of Canadians was associated with twice the normal risk of developing Guillain-Barre syndrome — a rare but potentially paralyzing nerve disorder, Quebec researchers are reporting.
With Guillain-Barre syndrome, or GBS, the immune system attacks the body’s peripheral nerves, causing rapidly progressing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis.
In a new study led by Quebec City’s Laval University, researchers looked at all suspected and confirmed cases of GBS as reported by doctors — mostly neurologists — and hospital discharge records starting in the fall of 2009, when more than half of Quebec’s population was vaccinated against H1N1 as part of mass immunization campaigns that rolled out nationwide. Quebec’s chief medical officer of health ordered the investigation.
By the end of the year, 4.4 million Quebec residents had received the pandemic vaccine.
Over a six-month followup period between October 2009 and March 2010, 83 confirmed GBS cases were identified; 42 occurred in people who had been recently immunized.
Read the entire article here.
We are beginning to doubt whether the incidence of GBS after vaccination really is rare. Since one of our sons contracted the disease over twenty years ago after a vaccine we have become aware of many others who also contracted it after vaccines. Time and time again we have come into contact with GBS sufferers after vaccines whose cases are not reported to the authorities and therefore are not in the statistics. We personally know two who suffer GBS after the swine flu vaccine in 2009, neither are fully recovered and neither have managed to get their hospitals to report their cases.