[SaneVax: What is wrong with this picture? Does no one see this policy for the draconian measure it is? Even the most ardent vaccine proponent will not deny that vaccines cause harm to some individuals. How did it become acceptable in a modern, supposedly enlightened, society to compel people to risk their health and perhaps their […]
You Don’t Want To Know What’s In Your Flu Shot!
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny talks about what goes into making current flu shots and what some of the new production methods are. You might not think the flu is so bad after watching this.
Hospital workers get flu shots — or risk losing their jobs
By Patricia Montemurri Reflecting a growing trend nationwide, more hospitals in Michigan are requiring employees to get flu shots. At St. Joseph Mercy Hospitals in Ann Arbor and its affiliates in Saline and Livingston County, some 6,000 employees were told to get a flu shot by Jan. 10 or risk termination. Staffers can be exempt […]
Forcing Flu Shots on Health Care Workers: Who is Next?
Forcing Flu Shots! Forcing Flue Shots on Health Care Workers By: Barbara Loe Fisher 30 September 2010 Doctors at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia are ordering all employees to get a flu shot every year or be sent home for two weeks without pay to “think about it.” Anyone, who still refuses to get a flu […]
Recent studies bolster earlier evidence: Flu shots not beneficial
By: Richard Moore, Investigative Reporter 28 December 2010 Two recent studies published by the Cochrane Collaboration are supporting what earlier evidence has shown – and what some national public health officials have begun to acknowledge – there’s no evidence flu shots work effectively, especially in reducing flu-related deaths among the elderly. The Cochrane Collaboration […]