[SaneVax: Observational studies have long indicated that contracting mumps provided protection against ovarian cancer in the future. Now scientists have identified a potential mechanism of action for this protection. This discovery leaves health authorities with an interesting conundrum – will they choose mumps vaccine or higher rates of ovarian cancer?] Mumps Protects Against Ovarian Cancer: Vaccine […]
Are Vaccines Creating Superbugs?
[SaneVax: A research team from the University of Georgia is working on the development of a new vaccine for mumps because there are currently 12 genotypes of mumps virus circulating around the globe. In fact, the mumps outbreaks in 2006 and 2010, which occurred primarily in the vaccinated population of the United States, were a […]
UK Vaccines: Trading Egg Allergies for Dog Allergies?
[SaneVax: All vaccine package inserts carry a warning to those allergic to any component of the vaccine being administered. Are medical consumers in the UK going to trade a substantial increase in egg allergies, possibly from the use of egg cultured vaccines, for an increase in allergic reactions to dogs? A new mumps vaccine being used […]