By: Kent Heckenlively, Esq. Originally posted 10 June 2010 It’s a question my wife has often asked in the past. Could we ever bring a case for the injuries our daughter sustained in early December of 1998 when her six-month series of shots caused her seizures and autism? In the past my answer was no. […]
Supreme Court Case Could Significantly Change Vaccine Lawsuits
By: Lauren Cox 11 October 2010 The Supreme Court is set to hear the first arguments Tuesday in a vaccine injury case that pediatricians and medical malpractice lawyers worry will drastically change how patients sue vaccine manufacturers in this country. By law, families who want to sue for vaccine injuries must first go through a […]
Supreme Court to Consider Vaccine Case
By: Barry Meier 11 October 2010 The safety of vaccines is at the heart of a case expected to be heard on Tuesday by the United States Supreme Court, one that could have implications for hundreds of lawsuits that contend there is a link between vaccines and autism. At issue is whether a no-fault system […]
Vaccine makers targeted in lawsuit
By: Paula Reed Ward, ‘Pittsburg Post Gazette’ 11 October 2010 Hanna Bruesewitz’s parents think DPT vaccination caused the child’s seizure disorder, but the vaccine maker is protected from suits by federal law. On April 1, 1992, Hannah Bruesewitz was a healthy infant. She had reached all of her developmental milestones for a 6-month-old, and that […]