By Salynn Boyles Long-term use of birth control pills appears to increase the risk of developing cervical cancer in women who have HPV, but experts say the risk is eliminated with careful screening. Cervical cancer risk in women who used birth control pills for a decade or more was double that of women who had […]
Oral Contraceptives and Cancer Risk: Questions and Answers
Published by the National Cancer Institute Introduction Oral contraceptives (OCs) first became available to American women in the early 1960s. The convenience, effectiveness, and reversibility of action of birth control pills (popularly known as “the pill”) have made them the most popular form of birth control in the United States. However, concerns have been raised […]
Effect of oral contraceptives on risk of cervical cancer in women with human papillomavirus infection: the IARC multicentric case-control study*
Dr Victor Moreno MD F Xavier Bosch MD, Nubia Muñoz MD, ProfChris JLM Meijer MD, Prof Keerti V Shah MD, Jan MM Walboomers PhD, Rolando Herrero MD, Silvia Franceschi MD, and for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Multicentric Cervical Cancer Study Group Summary Background Use of oral contraceptives could increase risk of […]