Pap Smears [SaneVax: There is an already proven safe, affordable, necessary and effective way to prevent cervical cancer. It is Pap Smears followed up with good gynecological care. This method has served to substantially reduce the incidence of cervical cancer in developed countries around the globe. Pap smears may very well be the only thing that […]
South Australian women neglect Pap Smears after HPV vaccination
SaneVax: It appears that Australia’s HPV vaccination program is going to cost the taxpayers more than originally estimated. Apparently, government health officials neglected to make it perfectly clear to medical consumers that Pap Smears are still required after being vaccinated for HPV (human papillomavirus). Now the taxpayers get to pay for an ‘educational campaign’ to […]
HPV fears
Jamaica Observer GYNO ISSUES By NADINE WILSON All Woman writer Monday, March 28, 2011 THE Human Pillomavirus (HPV) is being touted by some as the “new silent Killer for women”, but local gynaecologist Dr Michael Abrahams believes this description of the virus is misleading given the fact that only a few of the more than […]
Consumer-Engaged Prevention of Cervical Cancer
Instructions for cervical cancer prevention from one of the world’s foremost experts on cervical cancer pathology and the purported role human papillomavirus infections play in the development of the disease.