By Dan Olmstead I’ve just spent several hours reading what I believe is one of the most important documents ever created about children’s health. Just click on and see for yourself. The simple idea — on September 18, 2010, Joan Campbell posted the following note to parents of autistic children: “I am compiling a […]
Tasmanian girls urged to get immunized against cervical cancer: Where is the common sense?
By: Norma Erickson 13 December 2010 What criteria do governments use to decide whether the benefits of a vaccine outweigh the risks? On what basis do they judge whether a vaccine should be ‘recommended’ or ‘mandated?” Does common sense enter the equation? Friday, 10 December 2010, Dr. Roscoe Taylor, Director of Public Health, issued a […]
What They Don't Tell You About Vaccine Dangers Can Kill You or Ruin Your Life
By: Russell Blaylock, M.D. Posted 17 October 2010 After 30 years of intensive research, much has been learned about how brain cells work and what goes wrong when disease arises. One of the great enigmas has been the connection between vaccinations and certain brain disorders such as: Autism ADD ADHD Gulf War Syndrome More common […]
An Interview with Dr. Diane M. Harper
By: Marcia G. Yerman 28 December 2009 Throughout my examination of the Gardasil vaccine, there has been a steady flow of information, disinformation, and new developments. In my opening article, I wrote about the mandatory ruling in July of 2008 by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that would require all female green card […]
To Vaccinate Your Teenager, or Not?
Posted by: Alice Shabecoff, 14 September 2010 As soon as a teenage girl walks into her pediatrician’s office, he will suggest another vaccination, to be delivered through a series of shots spaced out over six months. This time the vaccine is Gardasil, intended to protect her from being infected by the human papilloma virus, […]