The Lancet, Volume 379, Issue 9813, Page 288, 28 January 2012 (doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60125-1 “Academic publishers have become the enemies of science.” So wrote Dr Mike Taylor, a scientist at the UK’s University of Bristol. He, and many scientists like him, are angry that publishers are supporting the Research Works Act (RWA), a controversial Bill before the US Congress. The […]
Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines
From ChildHealthSafety A New Scientist article 29 June 2010 by Jim Giles states:- We still do not know what causes autism.“ Desperate measures: The lure of an autism cure That is not correct. Here we set out four ways autistic conditions are caused and confirmed by statements from the current President of pharmaceutical giant Merck’s Vaccines Division, […]
JAMA & Cochrane Tacitly Admit Evidence-Based Medicine Nonexistent
By Gaia Health The prestigiousJournal of the American Medical Association and the Cochrane Collaboration have jointly and officially concluded, albeit tacitly, that evidence-based medicine does not generally exist. To counter that lack, they are suggesting voluntary changes in how medical studies are reported. JAMA’s article on the subject, “A Model for Dissemination and Independent Analysis of Industry Data “, starts […]
How to fix peer review
By David Caplan, PhD Despite its importance as the ultimate gatekeeper of scientific publication and funding, peer review is known to engender bias, incompetence, excessive expense, ineffectiveness, and corruption. A surfeit of publications has documented the deficiencies of this system.[1-4] In September, the fifth in a series of international congresses concerned with how peer review […]
By Janine Roberts WHY IS A NOBEL AWARD BEING GIVEN FOR THIS ON DECEMBER 10TH? There are two licensed HPV vaccines in the world. Merck makes Gardasil. It contains proteins said to come originally from four different types of HPV. By early 2008 over 10 million doses had been distributed, three-quarters of these in the USA. It […]