By Dr. Russell D. Caram

Over the past few weeks, you’ve probably seen an article about it, but in case you haven’t… there are 12 adolescent girls – all from the same high school in upstate NY. All about the same age. All developed a strange neurological disorder that manifests itself with uncontrollable tics, and all within a pretty small period of time – severe enough that some of them could not continue attending school.
The story of these 12 girls is now national news. The parents are livid that the state medical authorities are refusing to disclose information about the illness – including what it is – to anyone, including the parents – and are basically telling everyone, “Stay calm. Please disperse. Nothing to see here…”
Imagine it was YOU or YOUR child. Imagine you lived in the town and wanted to warn your children not to do what THOSE 12 did (if anything at all), but you can’t because the people who know aren’t telling you? Imagine that you couldn’t take any special precaution to protect your other children KNOWING that something can cause harm, but you aren’t being told what it is? And when you ask the people WHO DO know, you get stonewalled?
The Health Department for NY State narrowed the causes to down to one of 4 things – genetics, environment, infectious disease, and drugs (recreational or prescription). Those authorities are from the CDC and “cluster” doctors from Columbia University. My guess is that someone sees a serious problem here. Afterall, who calls on such bigwigs for a simple allergic reaction or food poisoning? But they’re leaving a gaps with subtle clues…
Read the entire article here.
The doctor has treated these children for 9 months perhaps the gardasil was not last fall but the fall before?