By Catherine Frompovich
Thursday, March 3, 2011, just may be a high water mark in vaccine advocacy issues.
Numerous vaccine safety advocates assembled on the apron of the massive front steps to the U.S. Supreme Court on First Street, NE, in Washington, DC, to let the court—and the world—know that the highest court in the land got it wrong and did not act to protect an individual’s right to be compensated when damaged by a medical product: vaccines.
The court’s February 22, 2011, decision ‘amputated’ tort law while setting a legal precedent that just may scare many more parents from having their children vaccinated.
Hannah Bruesewitz’s father spoke as did Emily Tersell, whose 21-year-old daughter died after her third Gardasil® injection, as did Attorney Rolf Hazlehurst explain how his son, Yates, was damaged after a vaccine and is left with an autism diagnosis. These three parents spoke candidly, often citing raw facts that brought shivers to bystanders who stopped to hear the open-air press conference convened by authors of the book Vaccine Epidemic, Louise Habakus and Mary Holland, J.D.
Read the entire article, complete with video of the press conference here….
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