By Jeffry John Aufderheide
When I discovered vaccine makers were putting spermicidal chemicals and neurotoxic mercury in the H1N1 vaccine several years ago back during the 2009 ‘pandemic’, I had one nagging question: “Are children tested to see if vaccines cause neurological injury and how is that done?” If you want the answer, read on.
It turned out there weren’t any tests on children.
I know that for certain because I had a face-to-face interview with the doctor performing the vaccine trial. He was quite evasive when answering questions specific to vaccine safety. Why? Because…
Please remember this point: vaccines cause neurological injury. For example, in one case report, a child experienced cranial nerve palsy after the MMR vaccine. The investigators stated, “MMR viruses are neurotropic [a virus that infects nerve cells]. Therefore, although the vaccine is obtained by live attenuated viruses, vaccination may produce neurological disorders.”
What about the 4,000 injuries caused by the swine flu vaccines in 1976? The cost of those injuries, according to some reports, amounted to over 3.5 BILLION U.S. dollars.
Can you understand now why many vaccine injuries are swept under the carpet? It’s expensive to admit a mistake! Shortly in this article I will reveal the “Gold Standard” for testing neurological diseases caused by live virus vaccines.
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