Dr. Eisenstein’s Webinar Series
Meryl Dorey
President AVN
Over the past 18 months, a new and sinister push has emerged in the Land Down Under to force the Australian Vaccination Network into extinction, suppress its right to distribute vaccination information and to prosecute the organization for marching to its own drum, a beat quite different from the goose-step rhythm set by mainstream medicine. Through death threats, targeted government investigations and complaints, constant harassment and other bullying tactics, those who oppose freedom of speech and the right to choose seem ready to stop at nothing to prevent parents from accessing balanced information. Find out why such desperate efforts to stop those who question mainstream medical beliefs exist; how to protect your family from mass medication and why it is essential that you become involved in the health rights movement now, wherever you live. The Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) has operated for over 17 years to support and inform parents who are trying to make informed vaccination and health choices. As a volunteer-run health and parenting organization, it has always emphasized the need for full and transparent information on the risks and effectiveness of vaccines and has provided valid information from peer-reviewed medical journals to offset the one-sided information distributed by the government and the majority of the medical community.
Title: Threats, Suppression and Health Facism in Australia
Date: Saturday, December 4, 2010
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM CST
Reserve your Webinar Seat Now at:
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