Posted on Gaia Health, 28 December 2011
In a LeRoy High School in LeRoy, New York, a group of girls has been stricken with a neurological nightmare. They’ve been afflicted with painful tics similar to those of Tourette’s syndrome. The cause hasn’t been identified, but some possibilities have been ruled out, leaving little to suspect other than the HPV vaccine.
Here is an early news report of the situation and the nature of what’s happening to these girls: (video available via link below)
Though this report indicates that six girls are involved, others indicate more than that, with a minimum of eight involved. There are too many anomalies for these girls to be suffering from Tourette’s:
- Tourette’s is overwhelmingly a disease that afflicts boys, not girls. Only about 1 in 4 cases happens in a girl.
- It’s an exceedingly rare condition, estimated at only .05 – 2 percent of the population—between 1 in 2,000 and 2 in 100 people.
- Even when it does strike, it usually happens in young children aged 3-9 years, and most improve as they grow older. These girls were all stricken in their teens.
- The symptoms in girls are usually those of obsessive-compulsive behavior rather than nervous tics, but all of these girls are suffering from tics.
The condition has not been diagnosed. The state’s health department concludes only that it’s a mystery. They’ve ruled out environmental factors. No similarities have been found in terms of medications.
Let’s look at the odds of 8 girls in one school being afflicted with Tourette’s syndrome. Assuming the greatest estimated odds of a person of either sex being afflicted, 2%, the likelihood of 8 children in one location by chance coming down with it, and all within the same school year, would be astronomical.
Read entire article, with video here.
The demons are misbehaving a little…..Sorry!!!
Your comment is a lot closer to the truth than you think – don’t make light of other peoples’ sufferings – God hates it, and He may allow you to go through your own trials.
The Migraine Headache sympton is often caused by Excitotoxins, according to Neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock, in his fine book, “Excitotoxins – The Taste That Kills”, and Excitotoxins excite the body’s Nerve Cells similar to Tourette Syndrome!
Don’t be so easily convinced. Check alkali and acid detergents used to clean milk factory equipment. If not flushed properly, the first batch will contain chemicals that cause temporary stroke and tourettes like symptoms.
How do I contact who wrote this article and the parents of the girls. My Granddaughter had the HPV vaccine and a couple of weeks later she has Tourettes. The attacks over 3 months have worsened , become prolonged and violent. She is exhausted from the constant assault on her body.
We are waiting for a referral and we have been researching Tourettes ourselves.
Please anyone who can connect us with any of these people we would be so grateful
Hi. My son has Tourette’s syndrome already, he’s nearly 13 and is due his HPV vaccine in a week! Should I be allowing him to have this?
My daughter just had hers on the 5th feb 2021 after we got home she was screaming and crying from the pain of it now on the 30th march looks like she has developed full on tics vocal and motor now waiting to.see her looked at by pediatrics I am.devastated
My daughter is 14 she has had ticks for a little over a year now and it all started after her job shot
Probably only affects certain girls but it definitely sounds like the HPV Vaccine can cause Tics & Tourette’s type side effects! Really hoping all the girls get recover from this, to go from being healthy teenagers to having Tics/Tourette’s is really dreadful! My heart goes out to all the girls affected and my thoughts and prayers with all the parents and families! If someone proves it’s the HPV vaccine it sounds like a Class Action case to me!
My daughter is now suffering tics motor and vocal plus seizures she just drops non responsive eyes rolling back most around 20 minutes other day was four hours since they say its non epileptic seizures they are sayimg psychological noone will admit its the hpv vac i would like to know if anyone has recovered from the seizures i was devastated about tics they are nothing compared to the seizures