August 26, 2010
Merck & Co., Inc., manufacturer of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil, continues to get away with pushing the dangerous drug on both young girls — and now boys — as a supposed prevention method for avoiding cervical cancer. But concerned mothers of daughters who have been seriously injured or killed by Gardasil have put together a website at that tells the true story about this toxic vaccine.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first approved Gardasil in the U.S. market back in 2006, and as of February 2009, more than 40 million doses of the vaccine have been administered worldwide. Though Merck touts Gardasil as being safe and effective in preventing cervical cancer, the vaccine is loaded with toxic chemicals that have injured and killed thousands of girls.
According to The Truth About Gardasil, young girls who receive one or all of the three-shot Gardasil vaccine schedule often suffer from extreme side effects, including seizures, strokes, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, hair loss, headaches, heart pain, weak muscles, disrupted menstrual cycles, vision and hearing loss and even paralysis, just to name a few. Some girls have even died after receiving the shots.
Marian Greene, social activist and mother of a child injured by vaccines, created to raise awareness about the dangers of Gardasil, and vaccines in general. By sharing stories and other news about the damage caused by the shot, Greene hopes that eventually the vaccine will be pulled from the market.
The group’s board of directors includes a mother whose daughter was also seriously injured by Gardasil, as well as another whose daughter died after getting the vaccine.
With Merck now recommending the vaccine for young boys — and conducting new campaigns to push the vaccine in developing nations around the world — it is imperative that the truth about Gardasil be spread far and wide.
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