Gardasil in Ireland under scrutiny. 150 girls from the group REGRET believe their debilitating conditions are due to the HPV vaccine, Gardasil.
So what is next for Ireland? Families around the world seriously hope they put aside this nonsense on how to tackle “vaccine hesitancy” and instead focus on the thousands of very real adverse events worldwide. If they are psychogenic in nature, then one has to admit it’s the first worldwide outbreak of an “Internet-contagious disease” in history, which – despite the best efforts of the Vaccine Confidence Project, the World Health Organization, GAVI, or Merck to convince us otherwise – defies common sense and logic.
Let’s hope the Irish government does the right thing and uses a common-sense approach based on the WHO’s European Precautionary Principle. The parents of R.E.G.R.E.T. are not going away, and they will not be silenced. Their numbers are growing daily. They will never give up looking for answers and treatments for their girls, who need immediate medical help and support.
Sean Wynne says
An Invitation to Attend
“Working Together”
HPV Vaccine International Symposium
Date: 21/4/2018
Time: 8.30am registration
Venue: Clayton Hotel, Liffey Valley, Dublin
Dr. Sin Hang Lee – Director of Milford Molecular Diagnostics, Milford, Connecticut, USA:
“Cervical Cancer Prevention Without Harm”
Prof. Peter Gotzsche – Director of the Nordic Cochrane Centre:
“Complaint to the European Ombudsman and maladministration at EMA”
Francisco Almodovar – Lawyer & Advocate, Spain:
“Legal situation surrounding HPV vaccine and for those negatively impacted by it”
Karsten Viborg – Danish victims group:
“Effective Treatments used in Denmark”
Speaker from Health Service Executive Ireland (HSE) – TBC
Courtney Heading – Former Manx Governor: Healthcare Innovation Consultant, Isle of Man Government:
“HPV Vaccination and Marketing Disease”
Dr.JesperMehlsen – Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
“Autoimmunity as an adverse effect of HPV-vaccination”
IFICA was founded bytwo parents, Sean Wynne and Ciarán Lynch,in an effort to forge an open-minded collaboration with doctors, scientists, and parent organisations in seeking solutions for those who have developed long-term health issues after receiving the HPV vaccine.
IFICA’s goal in hosting the “Working Together” conference is to address the lack of cooperation from the Irish Health Service in relation to reports of hundreds of girls in Ireland reacting adversely to the HPV vaccine, Gardasil™.
The impetus for the conference was when the Minister for Health, Simon Harris, told doctors at the Irish Medical Organisation annual conference in 2017, to “come out fighting” against those who raised concerns about their daughters’ unexplained health issues, post the HPV vaccination. These were girls who were healthy before vaccination and parents have a right to raise concerns.
The initiative was fuelled further by the statement made by Director General of the HSE, Mr. Tony O’Brian calling parents “emotional terrorists,” something we found unacceptable in response to a now life-threatening situation for many Irish families.
“These serious issues concern all of us as parents and need a fresh approach”, says the IFICA secretary Sean Wynne.
IFICA – the International Federation for Injured Children and Adults is a new international organisation based in Ireland. Our members include parents, doctors, scientists and patient organisations from all over the world. We represent those adversely affected by the HPV vaccine and wish to foster dialogue, compassion and understanding by all stakeholders, both public and private.
The IFICA mission is to work closely with other organisations, scientists and doctors to develop a system of communication and collaboration to find the best way forward, both medically and scientifically, for anyone suspected to have suffered an adverse event following the HPV vaccine. The goal is to create a platform for open dialogue and cooperation so that families can receive the help they need, without prejudice.
For further information, please contact Sean Wynne, Secretary IFICA, Tel: 0876312708