Vaccine Truth
By Christina England | December 31st, 2010
News in from the UK government. Last night ministers and senior government advisers ruled against the flu vaccine for children under five. Their decision was made despite the current flu epidemic in the UK.
Reports say that 39 people have died from flu since October, four of these were under the age of five.
Daily Mail reporter Sophie Borland who took up the story wrote (…):
“The latest figures show that an epidemic has now broken out among children under four and levels have reached a ten-year high.
Have ministers had one too many drinks over the festive period? Perhaps common sense has finally hit the UK government between the eyes. Or… maybe they have given a closer look at what Hugh Fudenberg MD, world’s leading immunologist, has had to say on the flu vaccine.
Dr Fudenburg has said that anyone who has had more than two flu vaccines between 1970 and 1980 has a far higher chance of having Althzeimer’s in old age. The Top News website had this to say in their article ‘World’s Leading Immunologist Condemned Flu Vaccination’ (…):
“This is because of the aluminum and mercury, which almost every flu vaccine contains. The gradual accumulation of aluminum and mercury in the brain leads to cognitive dysfunction”, said Fudenberg. So, he recommended that the flu shot had no much benefit so it was better to avoid them.
He added that as flu vaccine contained many toxic chemicals, so they instead of boosting immune system, make it weak, thus increasing the chances of getting affected with flu.
In an article ‘Why the flu vaccine does not work’ (…) they state:
“The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is looking at whether or not the flu vaccine is effective. Preliminary results indicate you’ll get just as sick (with colds, flu, flu-like illnesses) if you got the vaccine than if you didn’t.”
If this is correct then the flu vaccine is not cost effective.
But ministers and senior Government advisers last night ruled that the immunisation programme for those aged six months to five years – which was quietly cancelled earlier this year – would not have significant ‘gain’.”
Why the sudden turn around?
In July The Telegraph had this headline ‘Flu vaccine for under-5s given OK’. (…) They reported that Professor Jim Bishop reassured the public that the flu vaccine was perfectly safe and wrote:
“In the meantime, I am now advising that if parents of children under five years of age wish to their children vaccinated against seasonal flu that they should discuss with their GP or vaccine provider the use of Vaxigrip or Influvac,” Professor Bishop said.
Read Full Article…
For more information on the articles in the UK press see:
Sandy says
I posted this comment on vactruth:
Thank you Christina for an excellent article with some very interesting links.
There seems to be all round confusion regarding the recommendations. It would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall when the discussions were taking place.
I must admit that I’m confused about the composition of the recommended seasonal vaccine (or vaccines) for UK. I have not yet found the actual name of the vaccine/s or the name of the manufacturer/s.
Yes, it’s clear that there will be three virus strains, H1N1, H3N2 and B, but there are always other ingredients present too and it is important to know these because of their potential adverse reactions and interactions.
In the article Dr Fudenburg states: “This is because of the aluminum and mercury, which almost every flu vaccine contains”.
I cannot see that any influensa vaccine contains aluminium. Please inform me if I’m mistaken.
Many other vaccines contain aluminium as adjuvant, eg Hep B and A, DTaP, Hib, PCV, Gardasil etc.
Regarding mercury (thimerosal), no single dose vaccines contain it, (apart from possible trace amounts remaining from the manufacturing process). Multidose preparations (vials) do often contain mercury as preservative.
So I think that the seasonal influensa vaccine now recommended for UK most probably will not contain aluminium, and it will not contain mercury (except for possible traces) if it is presented in a single dose, pre-filled syringe. The problem is that many health authorities try to save money so they buy cheaper multidose vaccines in vials and they contain mercury.
The vaccines recommended will no doubt (as usual!) contain several other toxic substances. That is why I wish that we could be informed of the name of the vaccine or vaccines so that we can investigate the potential side effects of the ingredients.
After all, we often read labels on jam jars and if we don’t like the look of the ingredients, then we don’t buy the jam!