By Health Impact News Editor
Almost every time an outbreak of a disease occurs in the U.S. for which a vaccine exists, people who refuse vaccines are automatically blamed for the outbreaks. Unfortunately, this blame is based on belief in vaccine doctrine more than on data and science. Most of the world’s top vaccine manufacturers are based out of the U.S. and heavily invest in advertising in the mainstream media. Therefore, questioning the effectiveness of vaccines is seldom, if ever, covered in the U.S. media.
So once again, we turn to media outside the U.S. to find news questioning the effectiveness of vaccines. I am not referring to the alternative media that takes an anti-vaccine stance (as we do), but pro-vaccine mainstream media that generally accepts the standard dogma regarding vaccines, but notices they don’t always work as advertised, and actually report on it.
The first report is from Europe, where a new whooping cough vaccine is being developed. From the article:
Why test a new vaccine against whooping cough, when a vaccine already exists? The World Health Organisation has noticed a global upsurge in whooping cough cases. This disease now accounts for 20 to 40 million cases and for about 200,000 casualties per year across the world. In the USA, the highest number of cases in 60 years was recorded in 2012, with more than 48,000 cases. There is a similar trend in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan and Australia… This upsurge is attributed to a limited long-term efficacy of the traditional vaccine delivered during childhood. As a result, teenagers and adults catch whooping cough and infect infants, who are much more sensitive to the disease. (Source.)
So the current whooping cough vaccine doesn’t work. This is common knowledge in most of the world, but when outbreaks of whooping cough occur here in the U.S., the unvaccinated population is blamed anyway.
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