The vaccination question is a hotly debated topic, even in the natural health community. It doesn’t help when vaccine companies have blatant conflicts of interest and the studies supporting their safety may be fraudulent!
What we all can agree upon is the need to keep crony capitalism out of it, to keep information clear, unambiguous, and uncensored, and to allow people to make informed choices for themselves and their families. As we noted last year, there is an increasing tendency for immunization mandates to become a financial joint venture of the vaccine manufacturer and the government. The government is providing much of the funding manufacturers need to build facilities. So the government, which is supposed to regulate vaccine makers, becomes a full financial and operating partner with the companies they’re regulating! The government then turns around and orders us to be vaccinated or be ineligible for school—or in some cases go to jail!
As it stands now, the government gives patent protection and FDA approvals to pharmaceutical companies and thus creates medical monopolies. The government also exempts vaccine makers from legal liability. But when in addition the government invests in the business itself and partners with private companies, then adds the threat of jail for consumer non-compliance, we have a completely out-of-control situation.
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