(Note: The following is a letter written in 2005 by a girl from Texas. She was in the fifth grade when she felt compelled to write a letter to Texas legislators about what vaccine injuries had done to her family.)
Dear Texas Legislature,
I read the contents of coke from a can today. A coke contains carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, and caffeine. One can contains 39 grams of sugar. All my friends drink some sort of soft drink with caffeine. I choose to not drink it because I do not think it is good for me. If someone reads the can and drinks the coke anyway that is their choice, but I choose to drink water.
My sister is struggling to read because my parents were not given the chance to read the contents of vaccines until it was too late. She was healthy until she was given a Hepatitis B vaccine when she was 10 days old. She went to sleep with one spot on her tummy and woke up covered in spots all over her body. She was diagnosed with Urticaria Pigmentosa. It is like one large, continuous allergy attack. My mom was told by doctors that my sister was at even greater risk from childhood diseases and should be vaccinated.
My parents listened to the doctors. My younger brothers and sister have now reacted to every shot they were given. After the last shots needed for admission to Kindergarten they were so sick they could not go to Kindergarten. One day they were happy and healthy, the next day they were very sick. With a lot of work they would get better, but then they would get shots again. More than once we thought they might die. No one helped them.
I can understand saying “NO” to drugs, but why do schools tell us to say “NO” then make us be injected with something just as bad? We are told to not bully then we are bullied by the adults who are suppose to be helping us. I am just glad I have my parents as examples.
Kathryn Young 5th Grade The Woodlands, TX Virginia Young (Mother) 4everyoung1989@att.net
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