Citizens disagree with Finnish health authorities regarding the safety profile of vaccines based on an internet-based questionnaire conducted by a local patient support group.
A support group comprised of vaccine-injured and their families in Finland circulated an internet-based questionnaire to find out if there could be an association between vaccinations and healthy children or adolescents/adults falling ill. Once the results were compiled and analyzed, it was impossible for them to find a medical professional willing to help them get the results published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.
They contacted academics from their own country and abroad. All of those contacts agreed that the study has been conducted well and that it deserved to be published, but none of them were willing to co-author the manuscript because of the controversial nature of the topic. In other words, they were afraid of being bullied and losing their position.
In addition, the parents contacted and shared their results with leading health officials and politicians in order to promote honest public scientific discussion regarding vaccine safety in Finland. Since this did not lead to any concrete actions, the parents completed a literature search on their own as well as translating their abstract and full study report to English by themselves. Both are attached below.
In short, 129 injured persons, or their caretaker completed the questionnaire (incl. 33 items of detailed, multiple-choice questions). Results of the survey concluded:
”Based on this questionnaire survey the temporal association between vaccinations and the onset of multifaceted neurological and neuropsychiatric symptoms is evident. It is unlikely that this finding would be only a coincidence since similar cases as observed in this study (around all parts of Finland) have been reported also elsewhere in the world (1-6). The true causality is supported also by the emerging number of research papers published the medical literature (e.g. 7, 8) according to which aluminum and other vaccine ingredients may cause multi-path autoimmune diseases.”
Finnish authorities denied even the possibility of true causality and, thus, have not considered necessary any public discussions or actions that would help the injured in any way. They claim e.g. that HPV-vaccines are safe based on their own nationwide register cohort study and neglect the results of the internet-based questionnaire conducted by Finnish parents, who have questioned the reliability of the authorities’ study, published in Vaccine Journal (
The injured and their families have heavily criticized the authority driven register-based study stating HPV-vaccines are safe. Instead of counting how many previously healthy persons become seriously sick after vaccination the authorities chose only selected diagnoses for their statistical analyses. Taken that most of the affected persons suffer from several different symptoms with varying severity along time and that the persons experiencing similar symptoms may have different diagnoses, the negative association found by the authorities did not come as a surprise to the parents. In parents opinion, this kind of study design and statistical analysis is not reliable.
The peer support group of Finnish families have undergone a fierce debate with their national authorities and main policymakers as they wrote in the following letter to SaneVax:
”Dear President of Sanevax,
We are writing to you on behalf of over 200 Finns, who signed the complaint on the poor management of suspected vaccine injuries to our national authorities. The report of our internet-based questionnaire was attached to the complaint and by now it is available also in English language (attached to this letter). Next, we try to explain in short what we have done to get help to hundreds of persons with ’mysterious’ symptoms.
On May 2018 we sent a letter (with over 200 signatures) to all authorities that are responsible for the situation of vaccine-injured people and their maltreatment. We asked them to help these families. Our mission was to show with the results of our Questionnaire, how similar the affected persons’ situations and symptoms are, and also how nobody gets help. Doctors don´t admit vaccine injury, they don´t know how to diagnose those symptoms and they don´t give any treatments or compensation, either. We also asked questions, how ethical is it to give HPV-vaccine without informed consent and to advertise it is safe and effective and leave the decision to 12 years old girls? We asked for a meeting where we could come together to start a conversation and try to find some solutions.
The leader of National Institute for Health and Welfare, The Minister of Social Welfare and Health, The Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services, The Director-General of Finnish Social Insurance Institution and The Director of Finnish Medicines Agency got our letter. They answered to us that there is nothing to worry about, everything is under control and that they have just made a big study, where they have proven that the HPV-vaccine is very safe and effective. They pointed to their nationwide register-based cohort study ( It was a very shameful answer, not only because we didn´t talk only about HPV-vaccine injured children and adolescents, but also about healthy adults, who were injured after numerous different vaccinations.
When we got their last email, we decided to send a complaint to Finnish Chancellor of Justice. We complained regarding these authorities and problems in the National Vaccine program. The complaint was left on the 2nd of November 2018.
A few weeks ago, we got a very disappointing answer from the Chancellor of Justice; He is not going to take our case under his investigation!! He gave a statement, that he can´t estimate the safety of vaccines and he hasn´t noticed any procedure that could be against the law or any failures of duty.
Nevertheless, we are not going to give up, since our own lives and our children’s lives are at stake. We wish to do our part to increase the general awareness among ordinary people by sharing our story and the results of our survey with as many people as possible. Thus, we would be grateful if the English version of our study report would be published on Sanevax site. The original report (written in the Finnish language) will be published in Finnish social media.
With kind regards on behalf of over 200 signers,
Elina Vuorenmaa, Saara Seittenranta, Tiina Koistinen, Päivi Tuominen, Päivi Ketolainen, Risto Ahonen.”
Hans Litten says
Elina Vuorenmaa please reach out to the brilliant Irish group (superb people)
They humiliated Margaret Stanley of Cambridge University and gave Ian Frazer a fright too.
Resistance has to be international !
Dr Girolamo Giannotta says
If the parents of boys and girls damaged by HPV vaccines do not proceed to dose certain proinflammatory cytokines, we will never have useful data to confirm that this is a damage caused by the vaccine.
Furthermore, in the paper it is reported that: The limitation of this study is that the register data were notvalidated; we used routine vaccination data and diagnoses as setby the treating physicians. However, we consider the exposuredata, i.e. vaccinations, highly specific, with a low number of falsepositives. On the other hand, for the outcome data we have prob-ably some misclassification including both false positive and falsenegative outcomes. Especially the ill-defined syndromes (CFS/SEID,CRPS, POTS) with overlapping clinical features can be under-reported because these are misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all.
Elina Vuorenmaa says
Thank you for your valuable comment.
We fully agree that further diagnostic tests should be done to get
more accurate diagnoses. One core problem that our questionnaire
clearly demonstrates is the diagnostic heterogeneity and inaccuracy
among those who have fallen seriously ill after vaccinations. Some of
the parents have reacted to this by contacting specialists from abroad
(after being classified as ’functional’ cases in Finland) and
consequently sent the blood samples to foreign laboratories to be
analyzed for certain antibodies, but even the positive results from
those blood tests (f.e. antinuclear antibodies and elevations of ganglionic, adrenergic, and muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antibodies) have not changed
anything, i.e. our children do not get any help, like e.g. IVIG and other immunological treatments.
Furthermore, would’t it be health professional’s task to order
appropriate lab tests, not parents’? We are nothing but laity
parents and sick people, who are seeking help for our seriously ill
children and/or ourselves.
In addition, our study shows the well known fact that the suspected
adverse reactions are reported only infrequently (and usually not by
health professionals) to the health officials, which in our opinion is
a huge problem. Without recording and listing the suspected adverse
reactions they naturally cannot be identified, in other words ”they
do not exist”. It is, indeed, extremely difficult for us to
understand that this kind of ”science’.
Our most important aim has been and is to make the specialists In
Finland to work together with their colleagues abroad to get help to
all these ”mysteriously” sick people, especially because it seems
that there are all the time fewer and fewer previously healthy young
people falling mysteriously ill.
Lars van Hemmen says
This news from Finland made me very happy.
As I am working hard on new pages with hard evidence about vaccine link to autism, (un)safety and corruption (including congress documents, letters, lawsuits, etc)
I know there are a lot of people out there who are questioning vaccine safety. But our media and governments are corrupted so we can’t actually be visible enough to the public and to each other. We have to join and work even harder.
I have direct contact with the dutch (freedom of vaccination) organization and I’m willing to spend time and energy in an international resistance against government corruption, vaccine mandates and corruption of our healthcare system.
For example
autism document secret lawsuit
Another “retracted” article
Put children first
a very good site from parents with loads of documents requested by FOIA (about Simpsonwood 2000)
Robert Kennedy jr.
Congress hearing 2004 (on the right you can download the presentations held)
About destroying evidence in the CDC
They always knew…
Sandy Lunoe says
Congratulations to the support group of vaccine-injured and their families in Finland for their most impressive study! News of their success in raising awareness of vaccine injuries is spreading to many countries across the world.
The group’s work also helps vaccine injured to become aware that there are many others suffering from vaccine injuries and to know that they are not alone.
The fact that the Finnish authorities have adamantly denied even the possibility of true causality regarding vaccine injuries and their avoidance of open public discussions is an important issue which surely points towards the health authorities’ financial connections with the pharmaceutical industry.
These connections should receive widespread attention and be publicly condemned as they are even instrumental in preventing reasonable and fair treatment for countless sufferers of injuries from vaccines.
IN NORWAY open public discussions are practically non-existent concerning the sad plight and lack of help for the vaccine injured, also concerning the widespread financial ties between the health authorities and the pharmaceutical industry.
DR. HANNE NÖKLEBY has a prominent position with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, NIPH. She has presented several studies concerning vaccines and has received payment from the manufacturers, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Merck (1)(2).
She is also a member of the European Medicines Agency’s Scientific Advisory Group on Vaccines (SAG-V) (3)
The group investigated 13 915 reports of serious side effects from HPV vaccines and concluded that the vaccines were not the cause. Several members had conflicts of interest, including Dr.Nökleby who received payments from GSK and Merck (4).
PROFESSOR OLE-ERIK IVERSEN was the national coordinator in Norway for studies on the HPV vaccines. He has also served on Merck’s steering committee and receives considerable payments from vaccine manufacturers. He was a member of the expert group which advised the government to vaccinate all 12-year-old girls with Gardasil (5).
“The experts received money from Merck and then advised their government on the HPV vaccine Gardasil, which at the time was only in its experimental stages, thus putting their own financial gain above the lives of the innocent children of Norway”.
Professor Iversen also serves in the Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation (NPE) as expert advisor and in this capacity determines that those suffering from serious vaccine injuries are denied compensation.
This situation must not be tolerated. It represents lack of professional ethics, injustice and even cruelty towards those who are deeply suffering.