By: Kim Stagliano
17 October 2010
A new study from CS Mott Children’s Hospital finds that 89 percent of parents think vaccine safety is the most important topic in medical research today. That makes sense, since the American pediatric vaccine schedule now includes 48 vaccinations before the age of six. Parents are facing vaccination choice issues at every pediatric visit.
Dr. Paul Offit, MD, whose RotaTeq vaccine is manufactured by Merck, and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), have failed to convince the public that vaccines are fully safe and should be taken without question despite their full court press. You can check out Dr. Offit’s presentation to the AAP on how and why to combat informed parental choice How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens America’s Children for yourself. I imagine that many (perhaps a majority) of Huffington Post readers are pro-choice and respect a woman’s right to choose. Should a woman lose the right to make appropriate, safe medical choices in conjunction with her pediatrician for her child once she becomes a mother? If you are pro-life, does a mother’s right to protect her child end when the baby is born?
Read the entire story here.
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