[SaneVax: Vaccines in general are promoted as the best invention since sliced bread. Pertussis vaccines are no exception. If this vaccine is so effective, why is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world currently experiencing the worst outbreaks of whooping cough in decades? Why are the bulk of pertussis cases occurring in the vaccinated population?]
The Perfect Storm – How the increase in pertussis vaccine usage is causing an ‘epidemic’
By Amanda, Blinded by the Light
If you live in the United States then you and your children most likely have had at least one pertussis (DTP, DTaP, Tdap) vaccination – fair to say, that you’ve had multiple injections over your lifetime…and you are urged to continue to get them.
A “perfect storm” is an expression that describes an event where a combination of circumstances will aggravate a situation drastically.
So, what could be the circumstances contributing to the increase in pertussis/parapertussis infections in the United States… (reiterating here: even with the highest rates of vaccine coverage ever experienced)?
Can you think of any? I can –
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