By: Investigating Journalist, Jon Rappoport
02 August 2010
[This article was a small section of my book, AIDS INC., which I wrote By: Investigative Journalist Jon Rappoport in 1987-8.
Since the period of 1987-8, much more has come to light about vaccine safety and efficacy. I’ve made no attempt here to update my findings. They stand on their own, and reveal that, in the historical record, much has been lost, forgotten, and misplaced.]
For years, critics on the fringes of medicine have pointed to problems with vaccines. It is generally acknowledged that, given to people whose immune systems are compromised, they can be immunosuppressive.
And from time to time, stories have surfaced about vaccines which have been dangerously contaminated by extraneous viruses or bacteria, as a result of the manufacturing process.
We are taught to believe that untoward reactions to vaccines are rare, and that there has never been a question about the overwhelming success of all vaccines at all times, wherever they have been used.
The recent history of vaccines, though, shows a much more spotty record than one might think. In fact, it raises very disturbing questions about what vaccines do and don’t do to the human body. Here is simply a series of excerpts from several authors on the subject. It is a quite different slant on vaccines.
Read the rest of this article via this link .
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