[SaneVax: Vaccines are a medical intervention. They are not a one-size-fits-all medication. Do you know what factors put you and/or your children at higher risk for adverse reactions from vaccines? Did you read the package insert prior to consenting to your last vaccination? How can one make a sound decision regarding your families health without that information? Educate before you vaccinate.]
Vaccination – A Very Personal Decision. Are You Informed?
By Markus Heinze

You are about to become a parent. Inside your womb, a little miracle is growing. If you are like my wife and I, you take a proactive approach to your child’s safety. You find the best car seats, the safest toys, plan your child’s educational future. You want nothing but the best for your unborn child.
The moment arrives. As you are holding your newborn child in your arms for the first time, someone in the next room or down the hall prepares a little shot for your baby. Soon your baby will be injected with neurotoxins and other preservatives, and their immune system will be challenged to its core. This is one aspect of parenthood you haven’t researched, as you haven’t heard about anyone jumping off the vaccination bandwagon.
You wouldn’t take a chance on car seats, formula, cribs, or toys, but you are unknowingly taking one on vaccines. If you’re lucky, you’ll take your child home soon without visible complications. If you aren’t lucky, you may experience what other parents in your situation have experienced: a vaccine-injured child.
Now, as you become aware that you have not researched vaccines, you can become proactive. You will want credible information to help guide you to make an informed decision.
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