By Joel Lord
To fully unravel the Biondvax Universal Flu Vaccine scandal, a top down approach is necessary. Professor Ruth Arnon, Ph.D, is the official “inventor of BiondVax’s innovative synthetic influenza vaccine and head of BiondVax’s Scientific Advisory Board“. She is also former “Vice-President of the Weizmann Institute of Science (1988-1997)…an internationally acclaimed immunologist. Along with Prof. Michael Sela, she conceptualized and developed ‘Copaxone®’, a blockbuster treatment for multiple sclerosis currently manufactured and commercialized by Teva.”
Contrary to all the Industry fanfare praising the drug, it turns out Copaxone adverse effects ranging from Respiratory Arrest, Tremors, Cardiovascular Disorder, Suicidal Ideation, Shock, Cardiac Disorder Thrombosis, Renal Disorder & Multiple Sclerosis to numerous incidents of deaths were deliberately buried from Press Publications; while references to negative test results in mice from early Clinical Trials were also conveniently omitted. This is noteworthy considering Dr. Ruth Arnon managed the entire process surrounding research & development of Copaxone®. Given her track record for professional misconduct bordering on criminal negligence, similar red flags must therefore be raised, from the outset, when investigating her newest project of record, the “One For All” Multimeric-001 Universal Flu Vaccine. In addition, the overall credibility of Biondvax is obviously tarnished, having honored her with such a prestigious position, despite her recognizably negligent track record.
‘Israeli generics giant Teva Pharmaceutical Industries is suffering a couple of Copaxone-related headaches. First, Israel’s health ministry appointed a special committee to probe a trial of the MS drug. Allegedly, Teva tested Copaxone on ALS patients–despite the fact that previous trials on mice had failed. Teva maintains that testing Copaxone in human ALS patients was perfectly safe despite the deaths seen in mice taking the drug, because Copaxone had already made it through plenty of human trials for its approval as an MS drug. But an internal investigation by the health ministry’s comptroller found that the company didn’t submit all the necessary info before trial approval. So the special committee will take a look at the evidence to see whether the ministry and/or the company did anything wrong.’
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