[SaneVax: Aluminum adjuvants used in vaccines may not be as safe as they are ‘presumed’ to be. Scientists from around the globe are currently conducting research to discover exactly what the long term consequences of using aluminum in vaccines to stimulate the immune system could be. Below is a report on some of the findings to date.]
Current Status of Aluminum Adjuvant Research
By Heidi Stevenson, Gaia Health

This is the second Keele Conference report. Aluminum is used as an adjuvant in many vaccines, but it’s a known neurotoxin. Dr. Christopher Shaw has been doing research on its effects, demonstrating that it crosses the blood-brain barrier, that it is strongly associated with autism, & that it has adverse effects on lab animals. Does it meet the cause-and-effect standard?
What most stands out about the Annual Keele Meeting on Aluminium is that it’s full of scientists who’ve chosen to follow where the science leads, rather than going where the money is. They have my undying admiration, and I hope, as these articles from the conference come out, they’ll have yours, too. One whom I felt particularly honored to meet is Christopher Shaw, who is one of the two leaders in the science on aluminum used in vaccine adjuvants—along with Romain Gherardi, who also presented at Keele, and whose work will also be covered.
Shaw reported on the latest research out of his lab, Neural Dynamics Research Group, which has found that mice exposed to more aluminum adjuvant delivered according to the current vaccine schedule suffered from more harmful neurological effects. He provided an abstract of the latest project1, and delivered a talk about the work his lab and others have done that now make the case that aluminum adjuvants are causing a great deal of harm.
Using a slide show, Shaw started with this definitive statement:
Administration of aluminum in vaccine-relevant exposures in neonatal mice is associated with long-term adverse neurological outcomes.
Notice that there’s no hedging. Shaw definitively stated that aluminum in vaccines is associated with severe harm to young mice—and he went on to document it.
He covered these topics:
Aluminum as a neurotoxin.
Aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines.
The in vivo data.
Aluminum in vaccines and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Connecting pediatric vaccines with aluminum.
Where we go from here?
Aluminum as a Neurotoxin
Aluminum has been noted as a neurotoxin for over a century. Back in 1911, Dr. William Gies wrote:
These studies have convinced me that the use in food of aluminum or any other aluminum compound is a dangerous practice. That the aluminum ion is very toxic is well known. That aluminized food yields soluble aluminum compounds to gastric juice (and stomach contents) has been demonstrated. That such soluble aluminum is in part absorbed and carried to all parts of the body by the blood can no longer be doubted. That the organism can ‘tolerate’ such treatment without suffering harmful consequences has not been shown. It is believed that the facts in this paper will give emphasis to my conviction that aluminum should be excluded from food.2
It has long been known that aluminum is toxic when eaten. By extension, it isn’t a stretch to imagine that it must also be toxic when injected, and very possibly even more so.
Read the entire article here.
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