By Hilary Butler
What happens when paediatricians take a look at the disease incidence in their own country and decide that certain vaccines are not justified on epidemiological grounds? Nothing, So long as they keep their mouths shut. What happens when they look into the use of certain vaccines, and find that reactions are being covered up? Nothing. So long as they keep their mouths shut. But when they tell the world about both… , no matter that good science is on their side, there is only one possible result. To start with, they will be branded ANTI VACCINE. What better slur is there? Anti vaccine people are idiots, don’t you know? Truth won’t be discussed. Truth is inconvenient to the vaccine industry, especially to organisations who owe their existence and income to the vaccine industry. Simple as that. Here’s the story.
Dr Jacob Puliyel (Hospital head of Paediatrics) in India, had a few things to say about the proposed introduction of a pentavalent vaccine in India. For some really weird reason, an Indian provaccine reporter called Ganapati Mudur, had a go at him in the BMJ. “Woe to us in India, that these ornery stupid medical people are getting in the way of ever altruistic GAVI… “ (see upload) Why Ganapati Mudur didn’t fire his blank bullets in the relevant Indian medical journal is mystifying, but what is even stranger, is that the BMJ published his drivel without thinking.
A question like, “Are the objections of these medical specialists grounded in good science?” comes to mind. Had the BMJ looked perhaps they might have asked the question, “Exactly WHY is this vaccine being considered at all, in India?” The answer could have been a really potent Feature Article with riveting parallels to the BMJ’s expose of the Swine Flu Scam. Somehow, that escaped their notice.
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