[SaneVax: If GSK has not bothered to study the long-term efficacy of their whooping cough vaccine, one can probably assume that no one has bothered to try and determine whether the ‘outbreaks’ of pertussis are being caused by vaccine-relevant strains of bacteria or new strains emerging because of the suppression of the original bacteria. Where is the common sense?]
From ChildHealthSafety, 08 April 2012

According to a recently published paper not only does whooping cough vaccine “wear off” within as little as three years of administration [assuming it ever “wore on” in the first place] but [according to Reuters] the original manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline never bothered to check whether it worked. And 81 percent of recent whooping cough cases in California were in children fully vaccinated and teenagers and adults are now put at risk when they would have had lifelong immunity contracting the disease naturally:
Witt MA, Katz PH, Witt MJ, Unexpectedly Limited Durability of Immunity Following Acellular Pertussis Vaccination in Pre-Adolescents in a North American Outbreak.
Whooping cough vaccine fades in pre-teens: study – By Kerry Grens Thompson/Reuters NEW YORK | Tue Apr 3, 2012 2:13pm EDT
The Reuters report states:
A spokesperson for GSK, one of the pertussis vaccine makers, … GSK has never studied the duration of the vaccine’s protection after the shot given to four- to six-year-olds, the spokesperson said. ……
“We have a real belief that the durability (of the vaccine) is not what was imagined,” said Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California, and senior author of the study. …….
[…] Whooping Cough Vaccine Doesn’t Work – GSK Says “We Never Bothered to Check” If GSK has not bothered to study the long-term efficacy of their whooping cough vaccine, one can probably assume that no one has bothered to try and determine whether the ‘outbreaks’ of pertussis are being caused by vaccine-relevant strains of bacteria or new strains emerging because of the suppression of the original bacteria. Where is the common sense? https://sanevax.org/whooping-cough-vaccine-doesnt-work/ […]