February 15, 2018: Letter to Hackney Gazette from Councillor Harvey Odze regarding HPV vaccines reprinted with author’s permission.
Cllr Harvey Odze (Conservative, Springfield) writes:
I refer to your report on page 7 of the February 1 edition, where you quoted me as having said at the full council meeting on January 24:
Given the considerable body of medical evidence that HPV does not cause cervical cancer; and that the vaccine is on its way to becoming the 21st century’s Thalidomide, can you assure me all parents are given full information about the dangers of the vaccine?
I was asking Cllr Jonathan McShane, the cabinet member for health, social care and devolution, a supplementary question following on from Cllr Jessica Webb’s question asking the cabinet member if we can extend the Human Papilloma Virus vaccination programme to boys.
Due to the boorish, undemocratic behavior of a group of Labour councillors, your reporter was unfortunately unable to hear the totallity of my question. So, in order to put the record straight, what I in fact asked was:
Given that there is a considerable body of peer reviewed medical evidence that Human Papilloma Virus does not cause cervical cancer and that the Human Papilloma Virus vaccine is well on its way to becoming the 21st century Thalidomide, except that Thalidomide, had it not had such disastrous side effects, would have been an effective vaccine, will the cabinet member consult the UK Association of Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID) and ensure that all parents are given full information about the dangers of the vaccine as well as its alleged advantages?
This significantly alters the balance of my question.
Since your report I have been inundated with emails of thanks and support for publicly highlighting this issue. If anyone wishes to find more information I suggest they see Joan Shenton’s three-part documentary series ‘Sacrificial Virgins’ and the short documentary ‘Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype and Horror’ Trailer 4.
I would suggest that any parents of injured girls who have not already done so contact AHVID, who will give them support in any way they can.
It is admirable that Councillor Harvey Odze gives his honest opinion about HPV vaccines and that he advises those who are suffering after the vaccines to contact AHVID where they will receive invaluable support.
Councillor Odze may well be justified in comparing HPV vaccines to the thalidomide tragedy.
In the package insert regarding clinical trials for Gardasil it is stated that for pregnancies with estimated onset within 30 days of vaccination, 5 cases of congenital anomaly were observed in the group that received GARDASIL compared to one case of congenital anomaly in the group that received the control.
I was made aware of a study by teratologists who apparently concluded that the congenital anomalies were not due to the vaccine.
My formal request to the European Medicines Agency for access to the study was refused.
There are many reports of premature ovarian failure after Gardasil injection. A competent researcher in this field has explained:
“If there is a connection between premature ovarian failure and Gardasil, one would expect to see more congenital abnormalities. Prematurely ageing ovaries would have an increased chance of producing eggs with defects such as trisomies ie chromosome abnormalities.
Increased chromosomal abnormalities would also be expected to be associated with an increased miscarriage rate”.
We know that women in the western world are advised against Gardasil in early pregnancy – but Gardasil is being given to millions of young girls in developing countries. African girls, for example often become pregnant at a very young age and thousands may be vaccinated before they know that they are pregnant.
Speaking from many years’ experience in African countries I’m most concerned that the fate of girls who may give birth to babies with congenital anomalies may be tragic both for the girls and their babies.
There’ll no doubt be little if any reporting or documentation in such cases and no follow up. The world will most probably never even know about it.