By Dominic Ciconte
KNOX nurse Shirlie MacKey and Papscreen Victoria are urging women to have regular pap tests.
According to data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, only 63.7 per cent of women in the Knox area had their recommended two-yearly Pap smear between 2008 and 2009.There were 181 new cases of cervical cancer in Victoria in 2008, and 37 deaths from this highly preventable disease.Ms MacKey said 90 per cent of women diagnosed with cervical cancer had not had regular Pap tests.
[Note from SaneVax: Please re-read the last line above – 90% of women diagnosed with cervical cancer had NOT had regular Pap tests. Does this indicate mass-vaccination of an entire generation to perhaps protect the 10% of women sho do not get regular Pap tests?]
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