The safety of the gardasil hpv vaccine and Cervarix hpv vaccine has come into question with countless vaccine injury’s, vaccine side effects and even dozens of deaths related to cervarix and gardasil hpv vaccine. Now, a practitioner might tell you the risk outweighs the benefits, the problem is, your doctor cannot tell you that gardasil hpv or the cervarix hpv vaccine is effective, for one simple reason…there is no evidence based medicine behind its trials.
You see, cervical cancer can take 20 to 40 years to develop after the time of HPV infection, andGardasil HPV follow up tests have only been done for a maximum of 5 years and ceravax for just a little over 8 years, so it is basically all just theory with some dire risks.
Canadian researchers Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, and Christopher Shaw, PhD, from the Neural Dynamics Research Group, University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, point out that there is a major discrepancy in claims regarding the safety and efficacy of Gardasil (Merck & Co) and Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline) — the 2 HPV vaccines that are currently on the market.
Mindanoiha says
Your doctor cannot tell you that HPV vaccines are effective because your doctor does not know. Nor does the manufacturer Merck nor other promoters know. Nor do they know whether the vaccines actually increase risk of cancer, brain damage, blood clots, infertility and babies born with anomalies.
Nor does anyone know know the consequences of the presence of recombinant HPV DNA, nor do they know, nor do they know…
In fact, they know extremely little about these vaccines. It is incredibly arrogant to promote a product when knowledge is grossly lacking.
Who wants to buy a car from a pushy salesman who knows nothing about cars?
Here are 27 relevant facts which are not known about Gardasil. The list is not even complete: