By Dr. Gary Null
Recent reports on Gardasil points to a frightening cover-up by Merck, American medical authorities, and the media regarding the harmful nature of the popular HPV vaccine.
The controversy stems from one small phrase that appeared on the package insert of Merck’s Gardasil vaccine since it hit the market in 2006. It read:
“GARDASIL is not a live virus vaccine; it contains no viral DNA and is therefore incapable of causing infection” i
This assertion was given a stamp of approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and backed by major medical institutions including Health Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO).iiiii
The results of a recent study commissioned by the vaccine safety organization SANE Vax provide compelling evidence that the Gardasil vaccine does, in fact, contain dangerous live strains of the HPV virus. The study examined the contents of thirteen vials of Gardasil from different countries around the world including the United States. It was found that 100% of the vaccines probed were contaminated with genetically modified HPV DNA, in other words, live strains of the human papiloma virus capable of infecting human beings.iv
These findings strongly suggest that the Gardasil vaccine has been transmitting the HPV virus to an untold number of young boys and girls all over the world and causing the very condition it was designed to prevent. The alarming implications of this revelation are compounded by concern over the unpredictable and harmful effects that live laboratory-created DNA in vaccines can have on the body. Studies have linked genetically modified virus strains in vaccines to serious health disorders including autoimmune disorders and malignant tumors. v
This story is corroborated by Cindy Bevington, a multi-award winning investigative reporter who has done extensive research into Gardasil. In an interview on the Progressive Radio Network, Bevington noted that in April 2011, Merck quietly went about removing the information from their package insert which stated Gardasil did not contain live strains of Neither Merck nor the FDA has responded to calls by the public to account for this shocking revelation.
Such silence from our medical institutions on the issue of vaccine safety has become the norm in recent years. This particularly applies to the controversy over vaccines being linked to autism. Despite our federal health agencies repeated denial of any causal relationship between vaccines and autism, the evidence is irrefutable that US government has implicitly acknowledged such a link exists. The government’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has been paying out sums of money to the families of autistic children for more than two decades. In a peer reviewed study published in the Pace Environmental Law Review in 2011, investigators found that in 83 cases filed with the VICP, families were given monetary compensation after their child presented symptoms of autism – in 21 of these cases, the federal court documents even contained the words “autism or autism like symptoms”. vii
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What the hell is the FDA’s excuse now? Oh sorry we want to continue to injure children worldwide. Oh, It;s just an oversite we’re so busy checking supplements to recall a dangerous killer vaccine…F’ing dumbasses get off your freaking high horse and do the right thing. The FDA must be filled with Hitlers hinceman. I am sickened by this continual denial by our Federal Government……………….