Authors: Antonietta M. Gatti and Stefano Montanari Abstract Vaccines are being under investigation for the possible side effects they can cause. In order to supply new information, an electron-microscopy investigation method was applied to the study of vaccines, aimed at verifying the presence of solid contaminants by means of an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with […]
Transvaginal ultrasound probe contamination by the human papillomavirus in the emergency department.
Transvaginal contamination Ma ST, et al. Emerg Med J. 2013. Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine if human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA can be detected on the transvaginal sonography (TVS) probe in the emergency department (ED) and whether the current barrier method plus disinfection can prevent HPV contamination of the TVS probe. METHODS: This was a two-part cross-sectional […]
The Jeff Allan Show: Bio-hazard Found in Gardasil Vaccine
Broadcast on 570NewsRadio A bio-hazard has been found in the HPV vaccination Gardasil. The HPV vaccine only protects against two strains of HPV associated with cancer but there are more than 100 different strains of HPV. The HPV vaccine is not as harmless as its being promoted and has not been proven to actually prevent […]
FDA Sells Out Your Health In Support of Merck and Gardasil HPV Vaccine
By Admin, Aware Prepare and Prosper A while back we shared with you some information which the folks at SaneVax uncovered about Viral HPV DNA contaminant found in the Gardasil HPV Vaccine. This is a problem and DOES post a health threat because aside from the DNA being attached to aluminum which has an affinity for the brain […]
Gary Null: Gardasil
“Press Release” – Health Authorities Admit Gardasil™ Contains Residual Recombinant HPV DNA OCTOBER 17, 2011 October 14, 2011 by Norma Erickson, President 2 September 2011, SANE Vax Inc. posted a letter sent to Dr. Margaret Hamburg, FDA Commissioner, on their website to inform her that recombinant (genetically modified) HPV DNA firmly attached to the aluminum adjuvant had […]