International Medical Council on Vaccination
Suzanne Humphries, MD
December 6, 2010
It’s fall in the northern hemisphere and more than one type of darkness has set in. Vaccines are being injected at lightning speed. New vaccines, untested vaccines, double-strength flu vaccines for the over 65 group; none of which have been shown to be effective at keeping anyone healthy. The naïve are lining up at clinics, shopping malls, and retail stores. They don’t know which kind of vaccine they will receive. Which manufacturer is it? Does it have mercury? What chemicals does it contain? Why should they care? Why would they not trust their doctor (or their local pharmacist)?
These healthcare professionals say it is a good idea to get a flu vaccine to stay healthy this winter, so they allow disease to be injected into their muscles. The people have been mesmerized, duped and frightened by a bogeyman illness called the flu. Ironically, the real bogeyman – the silent monster that can wreak unrecognized havoc – just slipped beneath their skin, completely unnoticed, and masquerading as something healthy, called a vaccine. Despite any logic or science behind the mass marketing of the flu and pneumonia jabs, these vaccines remain the most recommended solution to preventing disease by the uninformed, propaganda-parroting practitioners.
The people who are getting vaccinated and the practitioners who are pushing vaccines are parishioners of the largest church on earth. They can be very devout and unreasonable. They believe this medical religion, vaccination, has saved millions of lives. They’ve read the holy bible of Merck and believe the mantras of the CDC that vaccines have eradicated disease from the Earth. They must be a gift from some god, right? But what else have these indoctrinated persons in white coats read about vaccines? With few exceptions, precious little. Most who administer these slurries don’t even know what ingredients are in them.
No matter how obvious the true cause of so much human misery becomes – that people are actually being sickened and immunosuppressed by vaccines and drugs – the pharma-faithful can’t see the cause. Here’s why: Doctors are the modern day priests and priestesses, anointing their followers with prescriptions. The priests are infatuated with and addicted to the power endowed to them. They strut about, cock-sure that they were rightly taught the one and only true form of medicine, and they are fulfilling their service to humanity. They have been successfully ordained into the Brotherhood. They have no intentions of doubting or abandoning their programming, even when they witness someone healing without drugs, or being healthy without vaccines. Where would they be if they realized that the earth would be better off without their temples and holy water? They are unintentionally dependent on their devotees’ illnesses and on the system that taught them to spar with disease rather than heal it. The temple of mirrors is filled with smoke, and creates illusions that will keep the sick coming back for more.
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