Sudden Death! Gardasil given to a young 18 year old healthy girl in 3 doses she was dead in six months. No long term tests, no investigation, the New Zealand health minister reports it was “sudden death” and they send their sympathies to Jasmine’s mother. If you think vaccines are safely tested-you must see this […]
Doctors speak out about H1N1 Vaccine Dangers
Doctors speak out about H1N1 Vaccine Dangers Baxter Patent H1N1- H1N1 Vaccine Dangers. Are vaccines today more dangerous, in some cases, than the diseases? Has something gone wrong with the system or the companies making them? Filmed at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccinations (sponsored by the Nat’l Vaccine Information Center) in October, 2009, […]
HPV Vaccine Side Effect Causes Autoimmune Disorder
HPV Vaccine Autoimmune Disorder Autoimmune Disorder: why the popular HPV vaccine has caused cases of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune conditions. Dr. David Clark. Dr. Clark truly looks at you as a whole person. You may have symptoms such as numbness in your arm or dizziness, fatigue, or low thyroid. Of course I’m going to explore […]
Gardasil & Swine Flu, Inconvenient Truth
Gardasil & Swine Flu Gardasil & Swine Flu, Inconvenient Truth, Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) on August 24, 2009. Inconvenient truths. Barbara Loe Fisher. August 24, 2009. She is the mother of a son injured by DPT vaccines in 1980. This is a commentary brought to you by the National Vaccine […]
Dr. Confesses Cancer and other Viruses Found in Vaccines
Cancer and other Viruses Found in Vaccines Wake Up and Americans Unite against the lies that is told to destroy our children. Here is an interview that is very rare and will shock you. Hear how the vaccinations were started what they have in it all from the mouth of Dr. Maurice Hillerman admitting to massive […]