The Greater Good Movie Trailer THE GREATER GOOD looks behind the fear, hype and politics that have polarized the vaccine debate in America today. The film re-frames the emotionally charged issue and offers, for the first time, the opportunity for a rational and scientific discussion on how to create a safer and more effective vaccine […]
The Emily Tarsell Tragedy. One Mom’s Story
Emily Tarsell Tragedy A mother tells about the Emily Tarsell tragedy. Her 21 year old daughter suddenly died from unknown causes. After a personal crusade, the devastated mother found the death could be traced to a common vaccination, Gardasil. See the video with the mother of a Gardasil victim as reported by CBS News. After […]
Wemos Film on Clinical Drug Trials
Wemos Film on Clinical Drug Trials in Developing Countries Amar Jesani is a medical doctor from India with expertise in medical ethics and human rights. He is a founder member of the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics (IJME), the Centre for Studies in Ethics and Rights (CSER) and the Centre for Enquiry into Health and […]
Kenzie Before After Gardasil. The Story of Kenzie
Before After Gardasil My sister Kenzie had been healthy her whole life. However, my sister has been sick since June 24, 2008. This vaccine ruined her life do you want to be next? do your reseach people are paying for hell. Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) is a systemic inflammatory disease characterized by arthromyalgias, chronic fatigue and […]
Angel was Brain Damaged
Brain Damaged My beautiful grandson’s journey. Before & After photos. He was brain damaged by a DPT shot. Brandon Joseph Holder was born January 27, 1992 in Bayonne, New Jersey. The Sane Vax Mission is to promote only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based […]