[SaneVax: The United States is in the middle of an autism epidemic. Current research claims better diagnostics, greater awareness, genetic defects, environmental toxins, and even increased age of parents are to blame. Are these reasons, or excuses? Why are vaccines never mentioned in relation to potential environmental toxins?]
From “Autism – Why Autism Research Goes Nowhere – The Researchers Who Take Us Down All the Blind Alleys,” by ChildHealthSafety

Have you ever wondered why supposedly no one knows where “all the autism” is coming from? Here we set out a blatant example of a misdirection of research results taking the medical professions and the public down a blind alley.
In the case of the paper “Advancing Paternal Age and Autism” Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2006;63:1026-1032 the authors had and published data which was and remains fundamental to proving the increase in autistic conditions since the expansion in the vaccine programmes in the mid to late 1980s is real and substantial.
For the best part of two decades health officials around the world have insisted untruthfully that the increases in autistic conditions since the 1980s are attributable to “better diagnosis” and “greater awareness”. They also used to insist that autistic conditions are caused by genetics [have “internal” causes] until it started to be established that the huge increases could not be accounted for on such a basis – because if it was all genetic then the numbers should have been the same all along over centuries.
Autism epidemic in US has claimed over one million victims.
The Prion Institute in Alberta, Canada, is
investigating Autism spectrum disorder as a prion disease
PAGE 41: http://www.prioninstitute.ca/forms/WEBSITE%20AR.pdf
“Research Lead: Dr. David Westaway, University of Alberta
Project: “Extending the spectrum of Prionopathies to Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis and Autism” ”
Prions (“proteinaceous infectious particles) are transmissible seeding
proteins which misfold
and infect adjacent cells.
The infectious proteins cause neurodegenerative diseases by cascading
through the brain.
Scientists have identified the rogue prion/proteins which cause Alzheimer’s
(epidemic – 6 million victims), Parkinson’s,
Huntington’s, Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (sporadic and variant).
Animal prion diseases include Mad Cow
(bovine spongiform encephalopathy) and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD
epidemic – deer).
Neuroligins have been identified as the misfolding prion/protein which
causes Autism:
“Misfolded Neural Proteins Linked To Autism Disorders”
Spreading prion infected wastes as “fertilizer” (sewage sludge biosolids
and “composted”
SRM wastes) puts livestock and wildlife at risk. Canadian Food agency
says plants and vegetables
can uptake prions.
Rendering plants which yearly process over 1 million downer cows –
the ones most likely
to have with prion disease – can result in infected feeds.
Industrial meat packing vats of hamburger, each containing meat from
50 to 100 animals from multiple states and two to four countries may also be a route of
infection. http://www.organicconsumers.org/madcow/burger21904.cfm
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE” – JULY 2005 -Dr. Murray Waldman coroner for the
City of Toronto:
“The degree of infectivity in tissues such as brain is staggering.
In experimental animals, one gram (about one-thirtieth of an ounce)
of brain contains an amount of prions sufficient to infect well over
one billion individuals.”
Many scientists believe prion diseases have been circulating and
amplifying in US for many years. In 1985, Dr. Richard Marsh, Univ/Wisconsin,
proved that transmissible mink encephalopathy was caused by feeding
downer cows to farmed mink.
The USDA admits there are over 1.9 million downer cows
in the US each year. Only about 5000 are tested for mad cow disease
before being rendered (into food for our pets
and other animals). http://www.sludgevictims.com/prions/downers.html
The USDA responded to the three USA mad cows in the middle 2000s by
substantially REDUCING testing. (don’t look – don’t find).
Autism in California is skyrocketing – from less than 14,000 cases
in 2000 to 70,000 in 2010.
Many researchers believe there is a link between the soaring
Autism cases and the meat from downer cattle furnished to the
CA school lunch program:
Recently it was revealed USDA furnishes 7 million pounds of “pink slime”
hamburger additive to school lunches. Pink slime is processed fats, gristle and scraps from
slaughterhouse floors, treated with ammonium hydroxide to kill the e. coli and Salmonella.
70 percent of US hamburger contains pink slime. After 20 years of use,
some fast food outlets recently
discontinued adding pink slime in their hamburgers. Slaughterhouses are
required to remove “SRM” – specified risk
materials- the parts of a cow with the highest concentrations of
prions. SRM include the skull, brain, ganglia, eyes, tonsils, spinal
cord and small intestine.
Ammonium hydroxide does NOT inactivate prions that may be in those floor
wastes which end up in 70% of US hamburger.
Helane Shields, hshields@tds.net http://www.alzheimers-prions.com/