October 10, 2011
Today Governor Brown signed into law AB499 which will allow 12 year old children to be vaccinated with out parental knowledge or consent. This currently applies to the Gardasil and Hepatitis B vaccines, but will expand to include ANY new STD vaccine that is brought to market in the future.
This means that as of tomorrow, boys and girls as young as 12 will be alone in their doctors office, or pulled into the nurses office at school, be offered a vaccine and told that if they don’t get it, they can get sick and die, the child will be given the shot and parents will never know. This also means that parents no longer have access to their child’s full medical records, but are only able to request PARTS of their child’s heath records once they turn 12.
The package insert for the Gardasil vaccine is 30 pages long. Take a look at it. Gardasil Package Insert. The state of California has decided that 6th graders are competent to read and properly digest this information, to fully understanding the risks and benefits of this vaccine, and to make an informed consent decision. Absurd.
This is nothing more than a marketing ploy for Merck (who makes Gardasil) to get around parents who understand the risks of these specific vaccines, and the corrupt public officials in Merck’s pocket who are handing innocent children over to them for power and profit. The California legislator that introduced this bill, Toni Atkins, took money from Merck and then lied about it when confronted on her motives for this bill.
And this morning on Fox, our friend and Canary Party member Rebecca Estepp, who is the communications director for the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, debated former California state assembly woman Sally Lieber, who previously introduced a bill making the Gardasil vaccine mandatory for 11 year olds. Lieber had to remove her name from the leadership on the bill when it was discovered that her family was heavily invested in Merck.
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