[SaneVax: Despite the fact that hepatitis B is a disease confined to sexual transmission or contact with contaminated blood, the CDC recommends a Hep B vaccine be given at birth, 1 month and 6 months of age. The only newborns at risk for hepatitis B are those born to infected mothers, and those who live with […]
Editorial – Why is the Hepatitis B vaccine still mandated?
A. Maniotis, R. Maniotis, 1206 N.J. Espat, X. Chen, P. Lycos/Medical Veritas 3 (2006) 1206–1210 Andrew Maniotisa, PhD; Rita Maniotisb; N. Joseph Espatc, MD; Xue Chend, MD; Peter Lycose, PhD Abstract: Evidence from many sources show the hepatitis B vaccine is not safe or effective, and is linked to many autoimmune syndromes. Hepatitis B syn-drome […]
Hep B Vaccine Damages The Liver It Is Supposed To Protect
By Sayer Ji “According to Hippocratic tradition, the safety level of a preventive medicine must be very high, as it is aimed at protecting people against diseases that they may not contract.” ~ Marc Girard, Autoimmune hazards of hepatitis B vaccine. Startling new research published in the journal Apoptosis indicates that hepatitis B vaccine, which is […]
Drug Companies Are Sexualizing Our Kids!
Vaccine Truth By Christina England | November 1st, 2011 | Recently, there has been a vast amount of media coverage exposing many leading stores sexualizing children through the marketing of inappropriate clothing. Mini skirts, crop tops, and sexy under-wear for primary school children, even high heels for toddlers fill the shelves, leaving parents shocked […]
California 12 Year Olds to be Vaccinated without Parental Knowledge
Age of Autism October 10, 2011 Today Governor Brown signed into law AB499 which will allow 12 year old children to be vaccinated with out parental knowledge or consent. This currently applies to the Gardasil and Hepatitis B vaccines, but will expand to include ANY new STD vaccine that is brought to market in the […]