[SaneVax: The following article quotes Dr. Elmar Joura of the University Department of Gynaecology at the MedUni ViennDr as saying, “There is data showing it is effective up to the 45th year of life.” REALLY ??? The SaneVax team wants to know where he got this data, particularly when this is what the CDC has to say about […]
Influenza 2012: Potential Conflicts of Interest and the Role of Media
By Stephen Tunley, Director, SaneVax Inc. During the last few weeks in Australia we have seen an increase in the number of news reports (print and broadcast) regarding this seasons Flu outbreak. A number of them have quoted Dr Alan Hampson who has provided his ‘expert’ opinion and encourages all to get the Flu shot […]
Human Rights versus Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Science
[SaneVax: Vaccine safety advocates are constantly being accused of using ‘anecdotal evidence’ to support their questions and concerns. The problem is – that same practice seems to be acceptable for those who promote universal vaccination programs. In doing so, the basic right of a patient to informed consent is being violated every single day. If indeed, […]
EU drugs regulator accused of being too cozy with Big Pharma
By Leigh Phillips, euobserver.com BRUSSELS – The European Parliament has refused to sign off on the accounts of the EU agency responsible for making sure all medicines in Europe are safe and effective for its citizens to use, accusing the body of being too close to Big Pharma. The European Medicines Agency’s reputation was further bludgeoned […]
Medical journals complicit in corruption of medicine
By The Alliance for Human Research Protection We are no longer “blowin’ in the wind.” A growing number of prominent physician-scientists, including several former journal editors, and New York Times columnists, have written sobering critiques about the corrupting impact pharmaceutical industry influence has had on medicine. For years, the Alliance for Human Research Protection has […]
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